How CBC contributes to sustainable forest management

The FSC Forest Week has started. As Coega Biomass Centre, an FSC license holder, we support this week, from September 21-27. By removing Alien Invasive Trees we contribute to the restoration of the natural habitats and water supply. How? Watch the video.

Biodiversity impact study for Coega Biomass Centre

Last week, Dr Duduzile Ngwenya from Stellenbosch University, School for Climate Studies, in South Africa, started her biodiversity research. The objective of her research is to determine the effects of removing Alien Invasive Plants (AIPs) on the recruitment of native and non-native vegetation in the areas that Coega Biomass Centre is and has been working […]

CBC supports FSC Forest Week

From September 21-25 FSC organises the Forest Week. Held annually, FSC Forest Week is a worldwide campaign to help drive consumer awareness about the importance of responsible forestry. The aim is to inspire these customers to act by choosing FSC-certified products. Coega Biomass Centre supports this campaign. As a FSC license holder we recognize the […]

Key impact case: Unlocking the potential of biomass in a sustainable way

According to SBP, an independent certification scheme for biomass used in large-scale energy production, Coega Biomass Centre is one of the key impact cases for unlocking the potential of biomass in a sustainable way. The company has included our impact project in its Annual Review 2023. In this contribution Emiel Hanekamp says: “Demonstrating the sustainability […]

First pellets produced at Coega Biomass Centre

first pellets

After an intensive process of refurbishment, the pellet factory in South Africa’s Port Elizabeth reached a milestone. The first pellets were produced from locally sourced alien invasive trees. This marks the first step towards a production capacity of about 120,000 tonnes per year. The successful production of pellets represents another major breakthrough for Coega Biomass […]

Clean Cooking in Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan

How can households in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan (NMB) in South Africa benefit from  clean cookstoves? To identify the possibilities, the Dutch companies Mimi Moto and Partners for Innovation started a collaboration in Augus 2023. Mimi Moto will deliver gasifier cookstoves and Coega Biomass Centre, based in NMB, sustainable wood pellets. The first step of the collaboration is an extensive […]

First shipment of product from Coega Biomass Centre to Europe

first shipment

The first shipment of product from Coega Biomass Centre, based in Gqeberha, South Africa is a fact. The shipment of 10.000 tons of chips headed to a client in Europe where it will serve as a responsible alternative for fossil fuel. The wood chips comply with the RED II (EU Renewable Energy Directive) and EUDR […]

Financial Close for Coega Biomass Centre

The financing of Coega Biomass Centre has formally been completed. On April 19, 2023, FinCo, Partners for Innovation and iLive signed all contracts for a strategic partnership. This means that all signals are green to bring the pellet factory in Port Elizabeth (Gqueberha) back into full production. Coega Biomass Centre will produce sustainable pellets and […]

Biomass cooperation in South Africa captured

cooperation biomass

There are many opportunities in South Africa to use harmful and surplus biomass in a sustainable way. To this end, a collaboration between Dutch and South African companies and organizations started almost three years ago. In order to  get a concrete picture of what is achieved wirh this value chain cooperation in South Africa around […]

Cooperation between the Netherlands and South Africa puts the biomass chain to work

The PIB South Africa – Netherlands biomass project for the application of woody biomass residues in South Africa was completed on 1 July. During the sold-out closing event in Port Elizabeth, about 50 representatives of local and (inter)national governments, entrepreneurs and organizations discussed the results and the follow-up. Thanks to the efforts of the PIB […]