CBC fully owned by Pellet Tech Africa, supported by FinCo Fuel

As of February 2022, Pellet Tech Africa, a partnership of iLive SA and Partners for Innovation, acquired full ownership of the Coega Biomass Centre pellet factory in Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), South Africa. This was made possible by funding from FinCo Fuel Group and Partners for Innovation. Full financial closure for the refurbishment of the plant […]
Biomass opportunities in South Africa take shape

After two years, the partnership of South Africa and the Netherlands on solid biomass pays off. The feedstock for the Coega Biomass Centre (CBC) pellet factory, that will go into operation within a year, will be made available for over 10 years. The local socio-economic and environmental impact of this pellet factory in Porth Elisabeth […]
Coega Biomass Centre will produce top-quality pellets

Test results indicate that Coega Biomass Centre (CBC), located in Port Elizabeth South Africa, is primed to produce first-rate pellets from biomass residue streams. The tests were conducted on two mixed batches of pellets made up of the most common woody residue streams in the area. Both mixes were treated by a press similar to […]
Business case torrefaction for black pellet production investigated

In order to start producing black pellets, Partners for Innovation and Yilkins investigate the business case for an investment in torrefaction equipment at the Coega Biomass Center in Port Elizabeth. The investment feasibility study ‘Torrefaction for black pellet production’ receives financial support from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency through a DHI subsidy. Late 2020, Hive Energy, […]
Biomass Breakthrough at Coega

Felled alien trees will feed multinational’s job-intensive project to produce green fuel and recapture lost water supplies. It ’s all systems go at the Coega Biomass Centre which aims to turn an Eastern Cape pestilence into a home-grown product with multiple benefits. The centre will use invasive alien vegetation to create wood pellets for power […]
Biomass beneficiation has huge potential for South Africa

In an exclusive interview in Africa’s Power Journal ESI Africa, Emiel Hanekamp, senior consultant at Partners for Innovation – one of the shareholders of the Coega Biomass Centre and one of six companies involved in the public-private partnership (PPP) with the Dutch government, Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the Embassy of the Netherlands – shares his […]
Restarting the largest wood pellet export plant in Africa

November 23, 2020 – Biomass processing and wood pelletisation plant for cleaner energy to be refurbished and recommissioned in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Hive Energy (United Kingdom), iLive Sustainable Development (South Africa) and Partners for Innovation (Netherlands) have joined forces to establish Coega Biomass Centre. The company, funded by Hive Energy has taken over and […]
African Utility Week

During the African Utility Week, the Dutch embassy will host an online masterclass ‘Biomass opportunities in South Africa’ on November 25 , from 11:30-12:30 CET (12:30-13:30 local South African time). The masterclass is focused on stimulating the cooperation between the Dutch PPP on benificiation biomass in South Africa and local communities and companies. Programme ‘Benificiation […]