The Coega Biomass Centre is a company of South African sustainable development firm iLive and Dutch sustainable consultant and project developer Partners for Innovation. FincoFuel Group supports this company as a partner.

iLive Sustainabel Development is a project and technology development company, aimed at realizing ‘life-giving’ initiatives within the renewable energy and circular economy sector. These initiatives stimulate economic growth, environmental sustainability, social well-being, and higher consciousness. iLive’s is based in South Africa and the Netherlands. iLive was founded in June 2010. The first strides of iLive were on the development of biomass pelletization of green garden waste, biodiesel manufacturing from used cooking oil, and the pyrolysis of plastic and rubber waste into liquid fuels and recycled

Partners for Innovation (PfI) is a Dutch based consultancy and project development company. Partners for Innovation was founded in 2004. Since 2009 Partners for Innovation works in Sub Sahara Africa, amongst others South Africa, focussing on renewable energy and valorisation of sustainable biomass. Pfi has offices in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Niamey (Niger).

As a supplier of sustainable transport fuels, FinCo Fuel is committed to reducing CO2 emissions and improving socio-economic conditions. Funding the restart of pellet factory fits within FinCo’s ambition to play a role in the supply chain, including access to biomass residues, the sustainable harvesting and processing of the material and the conversion to low carbon transport fuels.

The Coega Biomass Centre is a spin off of the Partners for International Business project ‘Solid biomass opportunities in South Africa’, It’s a Public Private Partnership in which six Dutch companies, supported by the Dutch government, work together with South Africa to develop successful business cases for sustainable biomass value chains.